By Passer
You probably have difficulty balancing your chequebook if you tend to be a cash travelling, pay your payments quickly and pay your charges till the final minute. You can forgo budgeting or keeping financial records of any type. You’re not going to know how much money you have or how much you owe or spend. Even if you have any, you might avoid investing money, because it seems to be too difficult to deal with such things. What drives this evasion? When you confront the duties of your money life, you might feel inept or overwhelmed. You might even have a type of money anxiety or paralysis if you are an extreme money supporter. Some money avoiders share with money monks the belief that money is dirty. Others have a sort of aristocratic disdain for the bored aspects of their financial lives that seem trivial. But many avoiders are more likely than to feel that they do not have enough or incompetent skills to deal with the complexities and specifics of their money life.
High Roller
You can use your funds to acquire items and services for your immediate enjoyment when you are a spending person. You will probably be pleased to spend money on donations to other people. The chances are you have difficulty saving money and giving priority to things you want in your life. As a result, your spending on future items and long-term financial objectives may be tough for you. You can spend most or all of your money, and even owe it to you. Now, it is vital to understand that some people who are indebted are not greedy; they simply cannot produce sufficient money to fulfil their fundamental requirements. If you have inadequate revenue to cover your costs, you face a serious cash crisis. You will need to develop income-generating tactics.
Money Poweress
If you tend to earn money, you’re happy to be able to spend, save, and/or invest significant sums of money. You may feel empty or not really alive if you don’t truly spend, save, or invest. You prefer to balance money and strength, so a lack of money can lead to thoughts of failure and even melancholy. Investments with high returns are your biggest business when you engage an investment adviser or a financial planner because you expect that as much as feasible will be made as rapidly as you can. You generally want to make your own financial choices, so it might be rather tough for you to give money specialists a lot of power. If you are, on the other hand, more concerned and weary of being too obsessed with your money, you can actually be glad to give a trusted financial adviser some of the information about your money life.
Penny Pincher
You want to save money if you are tending to be a hoarder. Your financial goals are also a priority. You presumably have a budget, and you may take use of the budget preparation and regular review procedures. You probably find it hard to spend money on luxury things or even practical presentations on yourself or your loved ones. You would find this shopping silly. You could very easily think that expenses for leisure activities and for holidays, including clothes, are entirely needless.
You are not interested in liquidity but in future security, in particular during the retirement period, if you consider about investment of your money.”Saving for a rainy day” calls on your organised nature. You can desire to keep your money so near to you when you are an extreme hoarder that you do not even place it on conservative investments, such as money markets, bonds or mutual funds. Some husbands were known to stash their money under coats, instead of putting it in a bank, in secret places. These situations are however relatively uncommon. You may have some, most, or all of these traits, depending on how extreme you are.
Money Jitters
And if you are a maniac for money, you think it’s nasty, it’s horrible, and it’s corrupting you if you have too much. Overall, you think “money is the basis of every evil.” It is reasonable to identify with humble individuals rather than with those who accumulate fortune. If you get into a windfall somehow (for instance by inheritance), you tend to be uncomfortable and worried about the inflow of so much money. You would worry if you could “sell out,” be more greedy, selfish, and lose sight of personal, political, and/or spiritual positive ideas and beliefs. Probably you would resist investing your money, fearing it could increase and make you richer. You’d most likely be comfortable with socially responsible investments, which reflect deeper values and beliefs and contribute to the reasons you want to support if you were willing to invest in them.